If you continue to follow your big dream and continue to fail it is time you listen to what Lisa tells!!!! Trust me – A Book Review (Dream Big/Lisa Hammond. 2005.-Mumbai:Jaico.) -LbnRaj February 19, 2011 Whenever I felt low in life whenever disappointments and failures drowned me to neck levels few times suicidal thoughts cropped up and many a time pushed me either to hear to an enlightened souls to lay hand on a book that attracted me by its very look and feel and title. Lisa's Dream Big is one such titles that caught my instant attention when I was engrossed in browsing books at ASBM's Chanakya Central Library. Incidentally I earn my daily bread by managing this beautiful and gigantic knowledge house. Dream Big is a book apart, it is one of very few books that aim to outclass contemporary business science and intelligentsia. Lisa's writing is so much passi9onate, personal and above all so much unreasonable. She puts passion before plan, dream before reality. It is this un reasonable character of her's that spearheaded to see the emergence of an unique comp0any known as Femail Creations. We are so much behind science, logic and management that we forget the basics of genesis of a dream or business of profession. Lisa is quite successful in bringing out the fact that all great businesses get born years before they were actually were conceived. She appeals in no uncertain terms to dream big however unreasonable and impractical it might seem at the outset. She continued and continues to be a simple barefooted passionate lady who loved her little family and people around passionately and desperately. Her genuine love for people around especially women and her stake holders hand holded her any where and every where. Her's is a life worth lived, life that encompasses her concern for all those women who wanted to be on their own and who sincerely believed to follow their big dreams. Dream Big running into 189 pages is divided conveniently by 16 chapter. Every chapter unfolds her ever evolving personality desperate convictions. The support caption, "Finding the courage to follow your dreams and laugh at your nightmares befits the contents of the book. As she continues wit5h her so much personal and affectionate way of expression every sentence looks like a guote. Initially I jotted down few lines here and there. It was so difficult for me to proceed further as every sentence looked like a quotation. The bo0ok honestly has impacted me a lot. I don't know how many of my friends I have already advised to read the book. Impacted by one of the thoughts from the book I wrote a blog post in my blog, http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com and a friend of mine by name Charu (librarian) was deeply moved and commented as if I wrote those specially for her. I instantly replied her comments asking her to read, "Dream Big". Many thoughts and quotes of Lisa moved me …. One or two are reproduced here to give a little glimpse … : 1. Some times it is better not to know what you don't know 2. No one else will do it for you. No body else can put you at the top of your own list. 3. What often looks like a disaster at first can be sometimes turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Bad news can really be good news in the long run. 4. Some times on the way to your dream you get lost and find a better one. It is ok to change our minds and it is never too late to start. 5. There is no pleasure in having nothing to do , the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it. 6. If there is one thing I have discovered one thing, it is that it is small things that can lead to the big shifts in thinking. She ends her emotionally crafted book with the following words : "…It is never too late to be what you might have been. Take a deep breath and take the leap, Dream Big. Those who always feel that there is something missing in their lives , those who have stumbled to discover their dream, those who have lost their way towards their dream, those who could not break the barriers of reality, could not break the established rules and failed and circumstances….. Dream Big is a good life time read. This read could succeed in turning the tables around. This read could sensitize those who have lost or losing faith in their passions and intuitions. It will re-energize those who have continued to fail Inspite of their best efforts and intentions …. Inspite of their being passionate about their Big Dreams. Lisa will live alive in the hearts of many women who dare to dream big … who dare to be different, who dare to outclass contemporary business science. Lisa continues to write from her Mail Order Catalogue website viz : www.femailcreations.com . She may be contacted by her email address : lisa@femailcreations.com Book reviewed by Rajashekhar Devarai, Chief Librarian, Asian School of Business Management, Bhubaneswar, India. lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com ; Librarianship is a noble profession http://indialibrarian-intl.blogspot.com/ 1816gbgv |
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