Reflections on "Say bye to your fears" /Adrian Savage.- Mind over matter : Times of India : June 8, 2008.-
Coincidence is really incidental. Realixation of inner truths to me really incidental and unasked for. When we really look at ourselves honestly and unbiased, we are much more than what we arelly are. When we read about people who were different, when we meet people who happen to be achievers.....they all are really unique. They always stand on their own no matter how it costs them. They all resemble to people who have tried untried paths. It is amazing to note that, all unique and daring people were so different from each other ...... but undoubtedly so close to truth.
To quote Adrian, "To stay in your comfort zone because of fears of what may lie outside will condemn you to a life of regret." ....."Nobody is born with an instruction manual for life. Despite all the helpful advice from parents, teachers and elders, each of us must make our own way in the world, doing the best we can and quite often getting things wrong. Missing up a few times is not that big a deal. But if you get scared and try to avoid all mistakes by sticking with just a few tried and true behaviours, you will miss out on most opportunities as well. Lots of people who suffer from boredom at work are doing it to themselves. They are bored and frustrated because that is what their choices have caused them to be. They are stuck in ruts they dug for themselves while trying to avoid making mistakes and taking risks. People who make mistakes never make thny thing else either. "Do something differently and see what happens. Ever the most successful habits eventually lose their usefulness eventually lose their usefulness as events change the world and fresh responses are called for." Be who you are. It is easy to assume that you always have to fit in to get on in the world; that you must confirm to be liked and respected by others or face exclusion. Because most people want to please, they try tryto become what they
believe others expect, even if it means forcing themselves to be the kind of person they are not deep down."
To my fellow professionals i.e., Librarians with love :
Dont stay in your comfort zone as a Librarian.
Remove or leave your fears, be it from your boss or library committee or your fellow colleagues or your members/patrons.
Dont live a life of regret.
Be what you are as a Librarian.
Best librarians to a great extent differ from each other.
Go by your inner impulse and inner liking....... it cannot be wrong or in appropriate.
The environment around you is changing fast, your past experience may or may not result in success. Change your attitude, tools and techniques appropriately.
Come out of old habits to find new and creative ideas.
Dear librarian friends, if time tested formulas dont work, do something differently and see what happens.
Friends, indeed I am very much moved by the article/essay written by Adrian Savage. IU thought I must blog my reflections to you. Hope you are sensitised and energiged to be different and unique as you already are!
Best wishes, Be happy, Be smiling....
July 21, 2008 : 7.24pm
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