Wednesday, April 27, 2011

lotus56731.lisreviews, please help japan!

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Hello lotus56731.lisreviews,

the current death toll in Japan stands at more than 11,000 with
thousands still missing after a devastating 9.0 earthquake and
tsunami struck on March 11, according to Reuters.
More than 450,000 have evacuated their homes and are living in
shelters. Please read below for an updated list of ways to
help the people in japan.

Numerous organizations have created ways to aid disaster relief
efforts for those affected by the earthquake in Japan and
tsunami throughout the Pacific.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières is sending two
three-person teams to the Iwate and Miyagi prefectures in Japan.
Learn more about the organization's efforts and
make a donation at

Text the American Red Cross (REDCROSS to 90999) or visit the
url below to donate $10 from your phone.

Save The Children is sending an emergency team to assist its
staff in Japan. Donations to the group's Children's Emergency
Fund will help preserve the welfare of children there.

GlobalGiving disburse funds to organizations providing direct
relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake
and tsunami. All donors will get email updates on how their
funds have been used. Get more info and donate today.

A contribution to International Medical Corps helps ensure the
disaster relief to the services they need today, including
primary and secondary health care, food and nutrition,
clean water and sanitation, mental health care, and the skills
they need to rehabilitate.

Please help the people in japan!

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Best regards

N. Depraz, F. J. Varela, P. Vermersch - A l'epreuve de l'experience

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Natalie Depraz, Francisco J. Varela, Pierre Vermersch

A l'épreuve de l'expérience

Pour une pratique phénoménologique



Book Series: Phenomenological Workshop Texts 
 Paperback & Electronic (pdf)
Publication date: April 2011
Size: 13 x 20 cm
Pages: 368
Language: French
ISBN: 978-973-1997-50-6 (paperback) 
ISBN978-973-1997-51-3 (ebook)
Paperback: 26 EUR (shipping not included)
eBook Individuals: 13 EUR

Institutional Online Access: 130 EUR

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Institutional Online Access


Ce livre se présente comme une enquête portant sur les sources et les moyens adéquats à une approche méthodique de la conscience, entendue comme une praxis d'exploration de l'expérience subjective. Nous avons choisi délibérément un mode de présentation qui privilégie ce que l'on peut nommer une logique de découverte d'un problème, ou encore une dynamique d'amorçage d'une question plutôt qu'une exposition close de résultats. C'est dire que le livre a un caractère essentiellement ouvert : on s'y livre à l'exploration d'un champ nouveau, à la manière d'une terra incognita dont nous ignorons presque tout et dont nous sommes à la découverte, seulement munis d'une carte approximative et des outils du chercheur. L'exploration en question épouse par conséquent le mouvement d'émergence de l'activité consciente au moment précis où elle s'aperçoit elle-même.


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 Latest publications:
New Book: 

   Lester Embree:
   Ambiente, Tecnologia 
   y Justificacion  
New Book: 

   Harry P. Reeder:
   The Theory and Practice
   of Husserl's
   (second edition) 
New Book: 

   Chan-fai Cheung:
   Kairos. Phenomenology
   and Photography
   with essays by 
   Hans Rainer Sepp 
   and Kwok-ying Lau
New Book: 

   Anna Luise Kirkengen
   The Lived Experience
   of Violation:
   How Abused Children
   Become Unhealthy 
New Book: 

   Francois Jaran
   La Metaphysique du
   Dasein. Heidegger et
   la possibilite de la
New Book: 

  Massimiliano Tarozzi &
  Luigina Mortari (eds.)
  Phenomenology and 
  Human Science 
  Research Today
New Book: 

  Iris Aravot & Eran Neuman (eds.)
  Invitation to Archiphen:
  Some Approaches
  and Interpretations 
  of Phenomenology 
  in Architecture
Mihail Neamtu & Bogdan Tataru-Cazaban (eds.):   Memory, Humanity, Meaning
  Essays in honor of Andrei Plesu's 
  Sixtieth Anniversary



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52 Carol I Bldv, ap. 5
020923 Bucharest,


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0040 318 166 779



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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Merleau-Ponty: Thinking in Dialogue with Humanities - Karel Novotn�, Taylor S. Hammer, Anne Gl�onec, Petr �peci�n (eds.)

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Thinking in Dialogue with Humanities

Paths into the Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty

Edited by Karel Novotný, Taylor S. Hammer, Anne Gléonec, Petr Špecián


Book Series: Post-scriptum OPO 
Availability: Paperback & Electronic (pdf)
Publication date: February 2011
Size: 13 x 20 cm
Pages: 506
Language: English, French, German
ISBN: 978-973-1997-96-4 (paperback) 
ISBN: 978-973-1997-97-1 (ebook)
Paperback: 26 EUR (shipping not included)
eBook Individuals: 12 EUR

Institutional Online Access: 120 EUR

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order eBook Individuals 

Institutional Online Access


In an article written in 1959, in commemoration of Husserl’s 100th birthday, Merleau-Ponty writes that “with regard to a philosopher whose venture has awakened so many echoes, and at such an apparent distance from the point where he himself stood, any commemoration is also a betrayal” (“The Philosopher and His Shadow” p. 159). These words, however, are not meant to prevent us from commemorating a philosopher and his work. Quite the contrary, for Merleau-Ponty this “betrayal” seems to have a positive meaning. In fact it means that, in order to do justice to a philosopher’s work we should not – or perhaps, we could not – merely repeat it. To keep the thought alive we should trace and conjure up its “unthoughts,” and the greater the work of a philosopher, the richer the unthought elements in that work. Commemorating Merleau-Ponty’s 100th birthday in 2008, nearly 50 years after his death, his thought is still alive. His work left us with many elements yet to think, not because it was unfinished by his sudden death, but because it was meant to be open and interrogative and thus not to be closed off. The essays collected here honor the open-ended nature of Merleau-Ponty’s thought by bringing the themes of his work into dialogue with various debates in the humanities, the sciences, and contemporary philosophy.


I. Perception and Corporeity 
Objects Inside and Outside the Body According to Dorion Cairns (Lester Embree) 
All the Elements, Except Air: Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze on the Possibility of Others (April Flakne) 
Percevoir c’est sentir. Merleau-Ponty et Herder (Jakub Čapek) 
Chair, Sensible, Chiasme. De M. Merleau-Ponty à Michel Henry (Ovidiu-Sorin Podar) 
La chair chez Merleau-Ponty, entre affection et auto-affection (Claudia Serban) 
Sur la subjectivité de l’apparaître (Karel Novotný) 
Différance and Hiatus: Derrida and Merleau-Ponty on the Subject's Constitution (Marek Pokropski) 
„La foi perceptive de Merleau-Ponty dans la contre-phénoménologie de Jacques Derrida” (Urszula Idziak) 
II. Phenomenology and Psychology 
La temporalité de l’inconscient. Merleau-Ponty et Derrida lecteurs de Freud (Elena Bovo) 
L’analyse du comportement enfantin et sa portée phénoménologique chez Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Tetsuo Sawada) 
Lacan and Merleau-Ponty: Affective Intentionality (Rafal Smoczynski) 
The Dream, the body and mind. Topology of Experience (Alice Koubová)  
Topology of Dialogue (Petr Kouba) 
Corporéité et inconscient. Merleau-Ponty et Castoriadis face aux interrogations de la psychanalyse (Caterina Rea) 
Der Geburtskomplex. Existential-phänomenologische Interpretation des Mythos von Ödipus (Tatiana Shchyttsova) 
III. Language and Expression 
Le langage - entre l’invisibilité de la parole et le signifié de langue : deux projets onto/phénoméno-logiques (Maurice Merleau-Ponty et Eugenio Coseriu) (Denisa Butnaru) 
Speech that Stems from Body, or Body that Flows through Language (Giedrė Šmitienė)  
Institution – the vertical structuring of meaning (Kurt Dauer Keller) 
Phänomenologie als sprachliche Wissenschaft bei Merleau-Ponty (Witold Marzeda) 
The Inspiration and the Expiration of Being: The Immense Lung and the Cosmic Breathing as the Sources of Dreams, Poetry and Philosophy (Petri Berndtson) 
Authentic and Second-Order Expression: the Child, the Poet and Ordinary Language (András Rónai) 
Die Geste des Malers, die die Welt erlöst (Taťána Petříčková) 
IV. Merleau-Ponty and Experiences of Thinking
Merleau-Ponty aux carrefours de l’histoire : le problème anthropologique (Anne Gléonec)  
A Place to Stand (Leslie Kavanaugh)
Becoming and Infinity (Zsigmond Szabó) 
Die Topologie des Seins im Spätwerk Merleau-Pontys (Martin Nitsche) 
Merleau-Ponty, Whitehead, and the nature of Nature (Fabrice Bothereau) 
Cartesian Ontology and “Eye and Mind” (Taylor S. Hammer) 
Corporeity and Metaphysics. Deconstruction between “Good” and “Bad” Dialectics (Jaroslav Trnka) 
The Phenomenological Study of Life by Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, and Yogācāra Buddhism (Jun Abe) 
Y a-t-il une voie cartésienne dans la Phénoménologie de la perception de Merleau-Ponty? (Wojciech Starzyński)  


         Latest publications:
New Book: 

   Lester Embree:
   Ambiente, Tecnologia 
   y Justificacion  
New Book: 

   Harry P. Reeder:
   The Theory and Practice
   of Husserl's
   (second edition) 
New Book: 

   Chan-fai Cheung:
   Kairos. Phenomenology
   and Photography
   with essays by 
   Hans Rainer Sepp 
   and Kwok-ying Lau
New Book: 

   Anna Luise Kirkengen
   The Lived Experience
   of Violation:
   How Abused Children
   Become Unhealthy 
New Book: 

   Francois Jaran
   La Metaphysique du
   Dasein. Heidegger et
   la possibilite de la
New Book: 

  Massimiliano Tarozzi &
  Luigina Mortari (eds.)
  Phenomenology and 
  Human Science 
  Research Today
New Book: 

  Iris Aravot & Eran Neuman (eds.)
  Invitation to Archiphen:
  Some Approaches
  and Interpretations 
  of Phenomenology 
  in Architecture
Mihail Neamtu & Bogdan Tataru-Cazaban (eds.):   Memory, Humanity, Meaning
  Essays in honor of Andrei Plesu's 
  Sixtieth Anniversary



Zeta Books


52 Carol I Bldv, ap. 5
020923 Bucharest,


0040 733 046 689
0040 318 166 779



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