The luminous life of Chanakya.2006/Shyam Dua (ed).-Delhi: Tiny Tot publications.-2004.-96p. A Book Review by Rajashekhar Devarai.
This book on Chanakya, also known as Kautilya a king maker par excellence published under the series, "The Luminous Life Of", by Tiny Tot Publications offers an intellectual read through. The book is a pictorial run through of the outstanding contributions of this great scholar, author and political scientist. By nature this timeless thinker was aloof, strict, disciplinarian and shrewd person. As every one knows he authored the famous works titled, "Arthashastra and Nitishastra. The editor is successful in bringing out the essence of his teachings , philosophy and ideologies. But unfortunately does not address the tiny tots, keeping their level and capacity to comprehend. A more simpler exposition would have suited the younger readers. May be a second or third reading under guidance may make tiny tots to understand what is deliberated in the book. May be it is an useful read for those who are passing out from their high schools. It is equally suited for general adult readers for general knowledge and understanding of Indian history and Magadh empire.
All said and done this kind of pictorial biographies raises the curiosities of readers in general to get to main texts / original texts. This pocket book running into 96 pages is quite handy for a quick read and its cost i.3., Rs.25.00 is quite affordable to one and all.
Rajashekhar Devarai Chief Librarian – ASBM November 11, 2010 Librarianship is a noble profession 1816gbgv |
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