Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fw: RE: Reply from RajLibrarian from India : RE: Suggestions for the library and librarian news

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Tue, 7/4/09, Rajsekhar Knowprof (LinkedIn Messages) <messages-noreply@linkedin.com> wrote:

From: Rajsekhar Knowprof (LinkedIn Messages) <messages-noreply@linkedin.com>
Subject: RE: Reply from RajLibrarian from India : RE: Suggestions for the library and librarian news
To: "Rajsekhar Knowprof" <lotus5673@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Tuesday, 7 April, 2009, 5:30 PM


Rajsekhar Knowprof has sent you a message.

Date: 4/07/2009

Subject: RE: Reply from RajLibrarian from India : RE: Suggestions for the library and librarian news

with best wishes, be smiling, be a librarian always!!


On 03/21/09 7:57 AM, Niksa Matic wrote:
I am so glad you answered me on my question.
I ama group manager of the group called "Reference librarian worldwide" and i wil be happy if you ask for joining the group and i will accept that.
I am also grateful you answered me and send some of the web sites.
I am reference librarian in main county public library, in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Also, i am trying to explore and every day trying to find new ideas to help our users to explore the library in many ways.
So, i am interesting in many aspects of librarianship, first of all, i am trying to find information for users, help them with literature, use online or cd-rom database, explore them, and after all, i am seeking so many librarians to find how they deal with some problems on their jobs, share the ideas. etc...
Can you send me more infromation about your proffessional activites.
Regards, Niksa

On 03/21/09 5:40 AM, Rajsekhar Knowprof wrote:
Dear Niksa Matic,
Sorry for the delay in the response. There are lots of social tools/groups and blogs providing latest infromation to LIS professionals.
I myself maintain a few lis groups and blogs....you are most welcome to join them.
I am listing one or two of them over here for your reference;
Apart from this i have some library groups on orkut. I you mail your email address / gmail address i will invite you to these forums.
Nice to find a Librarian asking this question. I am a senior academic librarian working at Mumai(India). Right now I am working for my Ph.D in LIS on the topic of "Application of Project Management techniques for LIS practice.
I would like to know more about you and professional activities...
Best wishes

email address : lotus5673@yahoo.co.in

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Fw: ["ili"] New comment on Fw: 20090203 - A reflection by Rajashekhar Devarai....

 On Tue, 7/4/09, Kanwal Dhindsa, Librarian, GNDEC, Ludhiana <librarian@gndec.ac.in> wrote:

From: Kanwal Dhindsa, Librarian, GNDEC, Ludhiana <librarian@gndec.ac.in>
Subject: ["ili"] New comment on Fw: 20090203 - A reflection by Rajashekhar Devarai....
To: lotus5673@yahoo.co.in
Date: Tuesday, 7 April, 2009, 12:06 PM

Kanwal Dhindsa, Librarian, GNDEC, Ludhiana has left a new comment on your post "Fw: 20090203 - A reflection by Rajashekhar Devarai...":

Blog for Librarian with full of Librarianship

Posted by Kanwal Dhindsa, Librarian, GNDEC, Ludhiana to "ili" at April 6, 2009 11:36 PM

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