"I should continue to be grateful and thankful to so many" : February 06, 2009 : Friday Rajashekhar Devarai Write up inspired by Deborah Norville. The new Science of happiness and good health : Thank you is the operative phase/Deborah Norvill.- Readers Digest, February 2009, 50(2), 62-70pp. The write up is an extract from the Author's work : "Thank you power." It is so coincidental that I pick up Readers Digest Feb 2009 issue for a casual reading. I very well know how valuable it is to read RD as often and as regularly as possible. Thank you RD for introducing me to Deborah and there by couple of psychologist. I firmly believe that basically as an individual in society I have always valued the grace, the help, kind wishes, warm support, a lovely pat, a kind look and a timely advice (in the times that were hard to digest and face by the near and dear ones). I trust myself and I firmly believe that I have thanked all those kind and graceful people from time to time since my childhood. I am really proud of myself for being grateful to people who showed their concerns towards me directly and or indirectly. Ø How can I forget my parents who reared me up and dreamt big about me? Ø How can I forget my uncles and aunts who poured their unconditional love and affection towards me? Ø How can I forget my two grandma's who were overwhelmed just to see me and feed me all the time? Ø How can I forget my uncle who taught me swimming and what not. How can I forget that moment when I received a gift of new clothes that were brought from Gangtok by my uncle? Ø How can I forget my father patting me and even after failing miserably in the exams. Ø How can I forget my teachers who trusted me in advance. Ø How can I forget my friends who extended their helping hand in times of hardships. Ø How can I forget my teachers and friends who talked to me in english and made me speak english. Ø How can I list the people who cared me who supported me, who groomed me, who held me high, who treated me as one of them. … when actually I was no one? It is a futile attempt on my part to remember all those great soul who matter a lot for shaping my personality. The list is endless. The ideas expressed by Deborah are quite acceptable. Indeed the psychologist works cited in the write up viz David Patrik Columbia, Robert Emmons, Michael McCullough are valuable in this regard. According to Emmons, "gratitude is a demanding quality, a rigorous quality. It is a discipline, an exercise. According to Emmons gratitude may not come easily, but it can be developed in the following ways : Ø Record your Thanks Ø See the patterns Ø Catch the boomerang Ø Seize the moment Thank you Basava for giving me an opportunity to read papers like this, thank you ... for blessing me for making so many kind people around me. Thank you .... for gracing me to be grateful to you, my parents, my small family, my dear, dear and intimates, divine souls close to my heart and soul, my relatives, my friends my bosses and my colleagues. If at all I have impacted people around me, it is only because I have not left any stone unturned to thank them, respect them and revere them. If at all I am powerful it is only because I don't get tired in thanking. Bless me Basava/.......to keep me busy in thanking and respecting others. Rajashekhar Devarai Lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ![]() ![]() 1816gbgv |
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